booking policy
When you want to be booking, please pay deposit Rp50,000/person,
If you want to cancel or no-show, deposit is not refundable.
If want to change booking, allowed to change only one time before 24 hours your booking. Not allowed to change booking within 24 hours at the time of your booking, also deposit is not refundable. Because sometimes many guests want to be booking same times. But we have limit massage beds and therapists. We hope many our guests fix body problem by our massage.
On call servis
Sorry we unable to on call servis to Hotel Villa House.. when you need massage with us please coming to our shop.
Thank you for your attention and understanding
A complaint
If you don’t like our massage, please tell us in the 10 minute from start massage, we stop massage and free of charge or changeing therapist.
If you will complaints about our massage after finished massage we unable to discount or pay back money.
Massage during Menstration
Basically you can take our massage during menstratin. But if bleeding a lot, we do not recommend to take massage because it may stimulate blood circulation and cause more bleeding. Also sometimes you feel more sensitive during your period, and you would feel uncomfortable or pain. Please kindly check your physical condition by yourself.
Massage for sickness or injured
Please kindly inform our therapist about your condition, where you are injured or how long. We try to avoid your injured parts. Also in the case of muscle pain or tiredness we will focus to that point, so please kindly inform our therapist. If you have osteoporosis, heart disease, or shortly after surgery, or if you have any other sickness that restrict massage, our massage may not be available.
Attire for Massage
For traditional Balinese massage, we use massage lotion so we ask our guest wear only underwear. There is no particular request for clothes. But for other body massages, you can wear clothes during massage. To receive massage comfortably, please wear comfortable clothes. We recommend thin T-shirts and short pants. For reflexology, we do massage under the knee so short pants are recommended.
Age limitation
We are for guests 5 years of age or older. But even at age 5 or older we may not do massage if your child is not ready for a massage. Please kindly understand. There is no age limitation for elderly people, but kindly check your own physical condition.